Alibaba Page -> Cut Length Tie Wire pre-cut bundles tagging and tying
We are conveniently located at JINZHOU City, which is near TIANJIN port for sea shipping and BEIJING Airport for international visitors. Singapore is a very competitive market for its geographical proximity to China and cultural affinity with Chinese.
Most popular products, Near-Commodity product for building material
BWG20 G.I. Wire 500mm (20kg) 2kg/bundle |
Black Annealed Wire 3mm 25kg/Coil |
Black Annealed Wire 2.5mm 25kg/Coil |
Black Annealed Wire BWG18 500mm 20kg/box 2kg per/Bundle |
Packaging Photo:

Product Details:
Each wire carton has its own silicon gel to desiccate and wrapped with plastic film for condition protection.
